Personal Development Plan
Name: Emily Collings
Where am I now?
Finishing my foundation degree at UCSD. Going down to Plymouth Arts Uni in September.
I am proficient in pattern design, but feel like I am always striving to be better.
I have a print on demand website for my designs on products but not made many sales yet.
Where do I want to be?
Have a (BA)HONS in Illustration from Arts Uni Plymouth.
Have a printed version of the book I have written & Illustrated, and hopefully have it published.
To have practiced and be good at childrens book illustration style.
I would like my print on demand side business to be succesfful and making a regular profit.
I would like to be more consistent with posting on Instagram
Working part time on childrens book publishing and part time designing patterns for companies.
Find good manufacturers in the UK and start to have stock at home, rather than print on demand.
How can I get there?
Get better at marketing and my website being found by SEO.
Stick to a schedule for posting on Instagram
Send a copy of my book to publishers
Have some good product manufacturers. Ask them for recommendations for others.
To have several children's books published
Work part time designing patterns for companies – send emails to companies with my portfolio link.
Website bringing in regular profit, and well known for my designs. Regularly updating with new designs.
I would love to have a children's swimwear brand with my designs as well. I have been looking into this previously.
Working from home remotely but also travelling to meet clients and colleagues.
Created: 21st May 2024